Thoughts On My Community
I have never not had a job. I have worked since the day of my fifteenth birthday. I originally got a job to help my mom because she struggled to provide for me even though she worked her butt off. Now I consider work as my community. Work is a happy place. A place away from the distractions of my life and the responsibilities that I push away until further notice. It has been said that work can be used as an act of self-harm because it is often used as a coping mechanism. Does work help me cope? I mean I guess but I have never thought of it that way until recently. I love work and I always have but lately, I have been going to escape and I do not think that is necessarily healthy. My therapist says if that is the worst thing I am doing, it can’t be too bad right? I have been employed at Hooters for three months now and I think it is amazing for me. I have always considered myself a bad communicator until I sat back and realized that I talk to hundreds of strangers a day and I do just fine. I make money, never enough but it adds up quickly. The financial toll just gets kind of tiring ya know? Anyway this kind of turned into me spilling my thoughts but thank you for being here to listen. I appreciate you.
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